
2020-05-22 22:01:03

大公文匯全媒體報道:兩會期間,所有寄往北京的郵件及包裹都需經過嚴格檢查。記者Liam Lee收到來自全國人大代表、國家級非物質文化遺產——滿族刺繡靺鞨繡第四代傳承人孫艷玲的一份快遞。


Wrapping It Up|China’s NPC delegate’s secret gift unboxing!

During the Two Sessions, all the packages mailed to Beijing are tightly checked. Liam Lee received a gift from his National People’s Congress delegate friend Sun Yanling. Sun is specialized in Manchu embroidery. What’s in the package? Check out the unboxing video to find out more.

