您現在的位置: 香港文匯網 > 視頻列表 > 以禮相待·快問快答|港漂學霸博士 有哪些「隱秘的角落」?

以禮相待·快問快答|港漂學霸博士 有哪些「隱秘的角落」?

2020-07-07 19:36:07

一位是來自非洲尼日利亞的女學霸Mistura Salaudeen,一位是來自菲律賓的LGBT代表Ruepert Cao,同在香港留學的他們,與我們分享了他們在這座城市最私密的體驗。想了解更多?請去片!


Be My Guest 22 Questions | Most private things about minority PhD students?

What's a better way to know a person's inner heart by asking quick-response questions? That's why we have 22 questions tailored for our guests in Hong Kong: Mistura Salaudeen, a PhD student from Nigeria, and Ruepert Cao, another PhD student who is also a member in the LGBTQ community and is from the Philippines. They shared their most private things in front of the camera. Let's find out their "secrets"!

