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談笑無國界|細數大學秘密 揭開美國「兄弟會」神秘面紗?

2020-07-28 18:24:39




Let’s Globe | Once upon a Uni Life, what are Fraternities really about?

Graduation season has come around. Many high school graduates are expecting their university life with excitement, curiosity, and maybe a little anxiety. How should a freshman plan the next four years? How would a student spend time at college without regrets? And more practically, how could one land a promising job?

To seek for tips, DotDotNews invites two guests, Charles and Karen, both of whom studied in the United States. Charles shares his memorable experiences at fraternity, unveiling the inside stories. Meanwhile, Karen talks about finding her true love at college. Come and watch Episode 2 of Let’s Globe to find out the juicy details.

