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以言會友 | 對話香港00後:「黃絲」「藍絲」 孰優孰劣?

2020-08-21 18:42:00

全媒體新聞中心報道:巴爾扎克曾說道:「一個能深入思考的人,才是力量無窮的人。」在如今多事之秋的香港,擁有獨立的批判性思維,不盲目從眾、屈服於社會主流意見,是相當重要和珍貴的。「以言會友」第一期,全媒體新聞中心主持人Stefano邀請了鎖匙兄弟,他們是兩位有法律專業背景的香港00後意見領袖,以及創業精英、科技投資人Geoffrey Handley。



Smart Talk | Dialogue with HK Gen Z: Yellow or Blue, which is better?

Balzac once said, "One who can think deeply is really a person with boundless power." In today's volatile Hong Kong, it is important and precious to have independent critical thinking that does not succumb to social uniformity. In the first episode of Smart Talk, DotDotNews host Stefano invited Keybros, two HK-born Gen Z YouTubers specialized in law, and Geoffrey Handley, a global entrepreneur and tech investor.

Do they categorize themselves as Yellow or Blue? Which is better? What are their views on western values and the impression on mainland China? What do they think of HK youngsters nowadays? Watch their dialogue to find the answers.

