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2020-08-25 17:58:09

他們一起工作、生活,幾乎24小時都在一起。但這對夫妻不僅沒有厭倦對方,反而一直愉快地交談、開各種玩笑,臉上洋溢着幸福的光芒。有人說:「婚姻最堅韌的紐帶不是孩子,不是金錢,而是精神上的共同成長。」當你望進澳籍居港企業家Daniel Szuc的眼睛、聽到他妻子Jo Wong的笑聲時,你就能明白這句話的真諦。他們當初是一見鐘情嗎?為什麼決定一起創業並清理香港的「連儂牆」?他們之間最激烈的爭吵又源自何事?想知道如何保持婚姻的新鮮感嗎?請去片。

They work together and live together. They are basically with each other 24/7. This couple never get bored though, and when they communicate with each other and tell jokes, their faces sparkle with happiness. Someone has said, "The strongest bond of marriage is not the children nor the money, but the mutual growth in spirit." That's exactly true when you look into the eyes of Daniel Szuc, an Australian entrepreneur in Hong Kong, and hear the laughter from his wife, Jo Wong. Is it love at first sight? Why did they start a business together and clean the Lennon Wall in HK? What's their most fierce fight with each other? Watch the video and find out how to keep fresh in such a relationship.

